Articles Posted in Personal Injury

If you have been injured by someone else’s negligence, such as in an auto accident or due to a faulty product, animal attack, or malpractice, you have the right to expect compensation for your suffering and losses. In Florida, we follow the “pure comparative negligence” system, which means that in a lawsuit, fault is distributed between parties. As a personal injury attorney, it is my responsibility to present a preponderance of evidence demonstrating the fault of the other party in order to win for my client the highest possible monetary compensation for injury and loss. One of the strongest pieces of evidence is often testimony from witnesses. 

Eyewitnesses and lay witnesses

Eyewitnesses are among the most powerful pieces of evidence in your case. The classic eyewitness is someone who was present at the time of the accident – car accident, slip and fall, injury on public or private property, product malfunction, dog attack, etc. Other witnesses include those who came along shortly thereafter and saw the aftermath or those who heard someone involved say something about the accident. 

A lot of research goes into building a solid personal injury case in order to provide powerful, indisputable evidence to win for you the highest financial compensation.

What you can do

The more documentation and evidence you can bring with you when you come to my Florida personal injury law office, the more quickly I will be able to evaluate your case and determine the next steps. The types of documentation you should bring with you include:

There are many steps involved in a personal injury lawsuit. The first is to reach out to a personal injury attorney as soon as possible so that the proper evidence and documentation can be collected. Your evidence will make or break your case. As a Florida personal injury attorney, I can help those who have recently experienced an injury in Florida collect the necessary documentation to make a solid case. 

Requirements for a personal injury lawsuit

It may seem obvious, but to sue for personal injury, you must be injured, and it must be provable. This is why collecting the correct evidence early on is so important. 

While personal injury cases can cover a wide variety of events, some of the most common in Florida include slip-and-falls or other accidental injuries; product liability, including defective equipment at recreational parks, activities, or sports; car accidents and other vehicular accidents, including off-road vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrian injuries; medical malpractice; and worker’s compensation cases. 

Many people have some misconceptions about personal injury cases in Florida which may prevent them from receiving the compensation they deserve for their expenses, past, present, and future, as well as their pain and suffering. As a personal injury lawyer and Florida resident, I am driven to protect the rights of injured individuals against big businesses, insurance companies, and medical institutions that have the financial resources to prevent people from getting the compensation they deserve. If you need an advocate who knows how to fight the system and win, contact me.

Myth #1: I can sue any time I want, as long as there was an accident of some kind.

When you’ve been hurt due to someone else’s negligence, whether it be an auto accident or some other vehicular accident, medical malpractice, slip-and-fall or other injury due to an unsafe environment, or product malfunction, you have the right to compensation for your pain, suffering, and expenses. 

Never negotiate a settlement for injuries without the help of an experienced personal injury lawyer! Insurance companies are motivated to save as much money as possible. Your personal injury attorney is motivated to win the highest level of compensation possible for you. As a personal injury lawyer in Florida, I am committed to “fighting for the little guy” against the highly lucrative businesses, insurance companies, and medical institutions that have the financial resources to squash your efforts to recover damages due to their negligent behavior or faulty products.

Grounds for a personal injury lawsuit

Over 12,500 spinal cord injuries occur in the U.S. every year, which can cause lifelong pain and disability for the victims. Car accidents are the leading cause of spinal cord injuries, with falls being the second leading cause. Motorcycle accidents and bicycle accidents are also among the top causes, along with diving injuries, medical and surgical complications, pedestrian injuries, falling objects, and extreme sports. 

Florida is number one in the country for fabulous attractions, water sports, and other pastimes, some of which can lead to injuries. Unfortunately, we also lead the country in car accidents, primarily because we have so many visitors to our Sunshine State who may not know the area or may be distracted as they look for their destination. 

If you have been injured in Florida, seek medical help immediately. If you believe the injury was due to someone else’s negligence, contact an experienced personal injury lawyer before making a statement to any insurer or signing any agreements. As a native Floridian and experienced personal injury attorney, I am committed to helping injured people receive fair compensation for all they have suffered due to the negligence of others. 

If you believe you have been seriously injured by someone else’s negligence, you may be eligible for compensation for your pain, suffering, and medical costs. In Florida, personal injury lawsuits are often filed due to vehicle accidents, slip and falls, faulty products, watersports accidents, and dangers in places such as parks, stores, rental units, or entertainment venues.   

As a personal injury lawyer and life-long resident of Florida, I am committed to helping Florida residents receive fair compensation to help them cope with the injuries sustained by someone else’s negligence. 

First steps when injured

If you’ve been involved in any kind of accident in Florida, whether it was a car accident or other vehicular accident, a slip and fall, or any other accidental injury caused by someone else’s negligence, your insurance company and the other party’s insurance company will try to get your medical records. Do not sign a medical release form without first talking to our team, or you may be signing away your chances for a fair settlement. 

Insurers may try to say that such medical release forms are routine. They may be routine for them, but they can be extremely detrimental to the injured party. Why? Because a medical release form will give the insurance company access to all your medical records, which they can and will use against you to limit or completely annihilate your claim. 

How does that work?

We have many military personnel and retirees living here in Florida. If you ingested water from Camp Lejeune, it is important you understand the Camp Lejeune Justice Act (CLJA). Enacted in August 2022, the CLJA gives injured parties a two-year window to sue the federal government for injuries sustained due to the water contamination at Camp Lejeune between the years of 1953 and 1987. 

Camp Lejeune was one of the worst water contamination disasters in U.S. history. Wells contained trichloroethylene (TCE), perchloroethylene (PCE), benzene, vinyl chloride, and other volatile organic compounds (VOC). One major contamination source was underground storage tanks that leaked 1,500 gallons of fuel every month into the surrounding soil. This was known for years and the problem was hidden, ignored, or downplayed. Another source was a dry cleaner outside the base, which opened in 1953 and dumped wastewater laced with PCE, a known carcinogen. PCE is also used in other solvents that may have been used on the base.

Significant negligence and intentional deception and concealment allowed this toxic environment to continue long after the problems were discovered, leading to a great outcry for justice. Generally, service members cannot sue the federal government for injuries sustained while in military service, but the CLJA allows the victims of Camp Lejeune to sue the government for this gross negligence.

Nursing home abuse and neglect are, sadly, not uncommon. In 2020, over 15,000 complaints were filed with nursing home ombudsmen throughout the country (the ombudsman is someone who handles long-term care complaints in each state). Undoubtedly, many more cases go unreported. 

According to the National Center for Victims of Crime (NCVC), nursing home abuse complaints in 2018 included:

  • 29% physical abuse
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