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Products are recalled almost daily in the U.S. If you visit the Consumer Product Safety Commission website you can read their weekly updates of recalled items. Many of them are products for children.

U.S. toymakers follow the safety rules and regulations laid out in the ASTM F963 Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Toy Safety. Therefore, if you buy your toys from a reputable place and a reputable toymaker, it is likely that the toy is following these safety guidelines. And because of these guidelines, toys and other baby or child products (including clothes, strollers, etc.) are often preemptively and voluntarily recalled as soon as a potential problem emerges. 

However, some toys that may be safe for older children are not safe for younger children. And some toys, especially knock-offs of popular brand-name toys, may not meet safety standards. Dangers can include lead or toxic paint, small pieces that break off, electric or battery malfunctions, and toys that are excessively loud. 

Technology is expanding into more and more aspects of healthcare, including mental health. A variety of websites and apps have become available that provide mental health therapy through phone, video chat, or text. While these new advances may make mental health services available to more people, there are some dangers that could lead to legal issues or malpractice. 

Advantages of online therapy

The biggest advantage of online or app-based therapy is its easy availability. With in-person therapy, a person has to find a therapist, make an appointment, remember it when the day comes, and then get there. This can be challenging for people suffering from mental health issues. 

Many people have undergone hip, knee, and ankle replacement surgery using Exactech joint replacement products. In August 2021, Exactech announced the recall of many of its knee, ankle, and hip replacement parts. It was discovered that, for certain products sold since 2004, the packaging of various parts allowed exposure to oxygen, which could cause oxidation. Over time, the oxidation could lead to the breakdown of the implant material within the patient’s body, causing failure of the device and other complications. Additionally, Exactech recalled their Connexion GXL acetabular polyethylene liners, which are a key component in several hip replacement products. These liners could also break down prematurely. 

Because of the many lawsuits associated with the defective products, the suits were consolidated into a nationwide multi-district lawsuit (MDL), centralized in the Eastern District of New York State. In addition, since Exactech is a Florida company, an additional, state-wide MDL has been created, which could go to trial earlier than the national MDL. 

Do you have an Exactech product that has been recalled?

The news is full of examples of major companies being sued for damage caused by their products. As a Florida personal injury lawyer, I help individuals fight against big corporations and their teams of lawyers in order to guarantee that those hurt by the negligence of others receive the compensation they deserve.

What is an MDL case?

A multidistrict lawsuit (MDL) refers to a mass tort, or a circumstance in which many people are suing a manufacturer over the same product. To simplify the process and keep the court system from being overwhelmed, the U.S. Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation (JPML) may determine that a certain type of case should be handled as an MDL, in which a single judge is appointed to oversee the discovery, pre-trial motions, and settlement conferences since the processes would be similar in all cases. 

Essure birth control implants and 3M Earplugs are two recent high-profile product liability cases in which tens of thousands of users who were injured sued for damages. In both these cases, the sheer volume of lawsuits would swamp the courts if taken individually, thus they are class-action lawsuits. 

Essure’s manufacturer, Bayer Healthcare, received nearly 40,000 lawsuits for its permanent birth control device by 2019 when it was pulled from the market. Bayer has recently settled a portion of these lawsuits with a $1.6 billion settlement. 

3M Company has received nearly 250,000 claims against its Combat Arms earplugs, which were standard issue to our servicemen and women between 2004 and 2015 but were ineffective as ear protection. New claims are constantly being filed, which have been consolidated into a multi-district lawsuit (MDL) before a U.S. District Judge in Florida in preparation for trial next year.

Products sold to consumers are supposed to be safe. There are many safety standards that need to be met, but often, either they are not met or the standards are not sufficient. Many defective products are recalled each year, and many others are never recalled, but still cause harm. 

Some defective products can cause burn and fire hazards, such as space heaters, electric blankets, lithium batteries, vaping equipment, and sprays such as PAM. 

Defective gym and sports equipment can cause serious physical injury due to the collapse or tipping of an exercise machine, failure of a pulley or weight locks, or poor safety equipment such as helmets, pads, and masks.

Camp Lejeune, a Marine Corps base in North Carolina, had one of the worst cases of water contamination that has been seen in the United States. The water also affected the nearby Marine air station, New River. Many retired military personnel live here in Florida, and since Camp Lejeune was a busy base during the time of contamination, many of these resident veterans, their families, and civilian personnel who worked on the base may be able to seek damages for harm caused by contamination at Camp Lejeune. 

What went wrong at Camp Lejeune

The contamination at Camp Lejeune was caused by multiple sources. Not all the wells on the base were contaminated, but the contaminated well water was sent to a water treatment plant where it was mingled with other wells, thus contaminating the entire water source. The water in two of the wells contained trichloroethylene (TCE), perchloroethylene (PCE), benzene, vinyl chloride, and other volatile organic compounds (VOC). One of the sources was a dry cleaner outside the base which opened in 1953 and dumped wastewater laced with PCE, a known carcinogen. PCE is also used in other solvents that may have been used on the base. Another major contamination source was underground storage tanks that leaked 1,500 gallons of fuel every month. 

An e-cigarette uses a battery to heat up a liquid that is turned into an aerosol, which users inhale. The liquid is most commonly nicotine with additives such as propylene glycol, flavorings, and other chemicals. Inhaling these products can have serious enough consequences, but the heating process itself forms additional toxic chemicals. Heavy metals such as nickel, tin, and lead and a variety of carcinogens have been found in the vapors produced by e-cigarettes.

Lung injury is so common it has earned the term EVALI (e-cigarette and vaping-associated lung injury). In a period of just two years ending in 2019, 1,479 lung injury cases in 49 states and 33 deaths in 24 states were documented by the CDC due to “vaping” (called this because of the vapors the products produce). By February 2020, 2,807 hospitalized EVALI cases or deaths had been reported to the CDC from all 50 states, DC, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands, including 68 deaths. 

Injuries from e-cigarettes

Grocery stores, retail stores, and other places of business have a duty to provide a safe environment for their customers here in Florida. When they fail to fulfill their duty, injuries can happen and the stores are liable. You may be able to receive compensation for your injuries if you were injured at a grocery store, supermarket, or another place of business. 

What is needed for a personal injury case

Florida law requires that the plaintiff in a personal injury case (the injured person or the person’s surviving family) prove: 

It sounds shocking, but sometimes doctors operate on the wrong body part or on the wrong side of the body. This is known as “wrong-site surgery” (WSS). 

According to a study by The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations, there are 1,300 to 2,700 wrong-site procedures performed in the United States every year. But these numbers may be just a fraction of the actual numbers since healthcare organizations are not actually required to report such mistakes to the Commission. Some estimate surgeons operate on the wrong part of the body as often as 40 times a week. Sometimes they even operate on the wrong person.

Wrong-site surgery victims

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