Articles Tagged with food poisoning at restaurant

Florida is the vacation capital of the world with more resorts and destination venues than anywhere else on Earth. There are likely more restaurants and food vendors than most places in the world. Restaurants and food sellers have a duty to provide their customers with safe food, free of contaminants that may cause food poisoning. They also have a duty to provide safe food to those customers who have informed them of serious food allergies or to inform the customer that they cannot guarantee non-contaminated food so that the customer can go elsewhere to eat. 

If a restaurant or food seller has failed in either of these duties and has caused you harm, you have the right to compensation. However, food poisoning and allergy cases can be very different. You need an experienced and qualified personal injury lawyer who is familiar with the nuances of these cases to provide you with the best legal representation to win the highest possible award for your injuries. 

Food poisoning

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